We manufacture the self-sampling Veil for the lab and organize the shipping for you
1-Organize the shipping
Choose and pay for the shipment of a kit from our store, with or without prepayment for home collection of the package
2-Register / pay the lab
After received the package, register with the lab, select the analysis options and pay online (the price of the kit is included in the cost of the analysis)
3-Send it to the lab
Return the sample to the laboratory with the prepaid shipping option if you chose it, or send it yourself
4-Receive your results
The laboratory will send you the results of the analyzes on a secure platform within a few days
Explanations in few steps
You pay the shipping online
You received your kit at your home
You register and pay the lab for analysis
You do your self-sampling with the kit
A deliveryman picks up your parcel at home, qualified for biological substance of category “B” and conform at “UN3373 legislation. (if you pay this option)
The Lab does your analysis and sends you the results by email
What is measured by the lab?
High-Risk oncogenic HPV
Strongly associated in the occurrence of cancer. 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68
Optionally, you can add
STI7 : (free with the code Promotional) C. trachomatis; N. gonorrhoeae; M. genitalium; M. hominis; T. vaginalis; U. urealyticum; U. parvum STI4 + STI7 : (Not included with Code Promotional) Chlamydia trachomatis; Neisseria gonorrhoeae; Ureaplama parvum/ Ureaplasma urealyticum; Mycoplasma Genitalium; Mycoplasma hominis; Trichomonas vaginalis; Gardnerella vaginalis; Herpes Simplex virus 1; Herpes Simplex virus 2; Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
The analysis will be carried out within 5 days of receipt of the sample. Secure e-mail report from the laboratory to explain and comment on your result.
The only self-sampling veil that has so many scientific studies comparing it to the classical method involving a doctor